Statement from Governor Brewer Commemorating Bill of Rights Day


Date: Dec. 15, 2011

Commemorating Bill of Rights Day

"On this date 220 years ago, a document was established that has come to define what it means to be American. The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791 as a means to safeguard individual liberty and prohibit the government from infringing upon the rights that we, as American citizens, too often take for granted.

"The Bill of Rights is part of our nation's fiber, and is no less critical today than it was 220 years ago. As Americans, it's important that we take this opportunity to reflect upon this document and its role in preserving our free society.

"I encourage you -- especially today -- to know your rights, recognize when they are being compromised and be vigilant in defending the freedoms that have for more than two centuries defined the United States of America."
